
Obviously you’re aware I’m passionate about health and wellness, mind, body and soul. So I thought I would share my journey with you all, and what I do on a day to day basis. And what better place to start than from the beginning. (and yes I am aware of what a ridiculous picture of me this is 😉)

I am not going to share my daily updates on this blog however, so if you want to keep updated befriend me on Facebook and say hello, or follow my Instagram 💖

I’ve always struggled with my weight and generally being/feeling well (although I never knew to what extent). I was constantly on one form of a diet or another, or just out right binging. I had an awful relationship with food, I ate emotionally. I ate when I was stressed, depressed, lonely, heck I even over ate when I was feeling good. Every occasion was deserving of food. I had no off switch, I would eat till I felt sick, and then as soon as I didn’t feel sick (but would still be full) I would eat more.

And of course the diets never worked, depriving yourself never does. And yes I could loose weight but it would all pile back on and more so. We all know diets don’t work. It’s been proven. Yet we keep trying that new diet we’ve heard great things about because you never know, it could be the miracle one.

My work was incredibly stressful, long hours, evenings, weekends.. my blackberry use to take holidays with me too. I would come home from work and crash, if I sat down that was it, I wouldn’t be out the house again. I wasn’t a particularly fun house mate. But this was normal life. If I ever wanted to go out I would have to go out straight from work otherwise it was an awful struggle or I just cancelled. This was how I was, I was over tired because of work, this is how everyone feels right, this it’s always going to be, right? But wow was I wrong, and was it a shock.

A few years ago my mum told me about Jason Vale, and had one of his books. I decided to read it and have a go. A 14 day plan where for breakfast you had a green smoothie, and lunch and dinner were just healthy normal meals. Only rules were 2/3rds of your plate consisted of veggies, no processed foods, no refined sugars, no caffeine etc. Just good wholesome food. Days 2 and 3 I felt horrendous, I was SO ill. Turns out it’s the detox effect and withdrawals were BIG in me. And I had thought I lived a reasonably healthy lifestyle. Then an incredible thing happened. I felt fucking fantastic. I felt incredible and I could not believe it.  I had more energy in me than I could ever remember, and I swear that is not an exaggeration. I would come home from a long hard day at work, do chores and still be raring to go and visit a friend for a few hours. This was unheard of. I am amazed.

This was the beginning of something incredible for me. For the first time I truly saw the power of food, and how what you put into your body affects you. I had never felt this good and all I did was change the quality of food of what I was eating. It wasn’t difficult, I didn’t feel deprived (after my withdrawals went anyways), and I enjoyed what I was eating. I lost weight which was great, but I was more excited at my new excitement for life, my new found energy, it felt like the world opened up for me. And it wasn’t down to some diet that did nothing for me, but to a true lifestyle change. This was the start of my interest in food, nutrition, health and wellness 💖

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